Opioid Dependency Treatment
A Holistic Approach Using Medication and Education.
We currently offer treatment to patients with an opioid dependency using Suboxone(buprenorphine/naloxone) and sublocade (Buprenorphine) as well as education.
Buprenorphine Maintenance Treatment Commonly Involves Three Phases:
- The Induction phase is the medically monitored start-up of buprenorphine therapy. Buprenorphine is first administered when an opioid-addicted individual has abstained from using opioids for 12–24 hours and is in the early stages of opioid withdrawal.
- During the stabilization phase the dose is adjusted until a patient has either discontinued or greatly reduced the use of other opioids and is no longer experiencing cravings.
- The maintenance phase occurs when a steady dose of buprenorphine is reached. The length of time of the maintenance phase will vary from patient to patient and for some it may continue indefinitely.
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